Also known as Easter Week
This week I (re)read VALIS by PKD and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer, by same. Both are excellent reads for Holy Week. Both were also excellent reads to accompany other recent events in my life, which included hosting an untreated bipolar person on her high cycle and her two year old son. I highly recommend doing this if you ever want to do something that is nerve racking and really not fun. Thank goodness she found a place to live on Sunday; I don't think my kitchen could take another cleaning. Props to her son Jacob for flushing a zucchini down the toilet, which is still clogged.
Special thanks to my pal Joanna for, well, for everything. Dinner, SIM card, Easter luncheon at the Episcopalian Church . . . Made this week nice and less terrible. mwah! I kiss you!